
Mrs J came round this morning which was lovely. We had a few cups of tea and sat around chatting for a couple of hours before heading over to Stowe for some lunch and a walk with Archie.
It was so gorgeous!! Bloody freezing but beautiful!
The snowdrops are all out now and I was reminded of Miss L's second Mother's Day (she was only about three weeks old for the first one!) when we went and planted snowdrops at Stowe. Today it was lovely to see them all in the same spot. Unfortunately all my photos of them are rubbish!
After a quick browse of the bookshop - where I bought the Little Misses a box set of history books covering the years 1000-2000 because that's what a fun Mummy I am!! -  it was time to head home.
And do some studying before it was time to go and collect Miss E from after school club and Miss L from her school disco. 
Annoyingly when I thought I still had an hour or so before having to leave to get them I got a call from Miss E's school to say she'd taken a netball in the stomach and she wondered if it was OK if she didn't go to after school club. Bloody wimp!!!!  Of course, no problem.
So I went to get her, brought her home for a bit and then we went back to get Miss L from her disco.
On the way I noticed what looked like a broken tree stump and assumed it was a tree broken in yesterday's storm. Just as we drove past it I realised it was a barn owl. Just perched on a branch right by the side of the road!
It was too late to point it out to Miss E so I said that hopefully it would still be there on our way home. Not thinking for a minute that it would be.
It was!!!!
Amazing!!! I slowed right down beside it so they could have a good look and they were giddy - a real life owl!!!
Miss L LOVED her disco! After we dropped Miss E off this morning she went really quiet and asked in a tiny voice what happens at discos! She said she was feeling anxious. Bless her!!
I said it was like a party but with more dancing. And that if she didn't want to go that was fine and if she didn't like it they could call me and I'd go and get her at any time.
I knew there'd be no reason to worry!!!
She had a fabulous time and was buzzing when she came out. 
Friday night and picking my daughter up from the disco. Times are changing!!!!

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