Above And Beyond...

By BobsBlips

The Old Oak

The blipfoto is of the old oak tree in our village that has been hit by lightning in antiquity and split in half. It's still alive and growing. Looking at tree dating sites it probably dates to 1600. I've photographed it many times and blipped it, but it's such a fascinating tree.....such that I've seen couples having Wedding Photo's taken with it. Can you see what appears to be a man inside it?

Wide Angle Wednesday Challenge:

My choices in order of preference are;

1.  Ninniex                           Red Clouds
2.  Richardg                        Beachscape
3.  RockArea                       Fisheye of signpost
4.  Daring2Go                     Canoeist (vertical wide)
5.  TrinkinDave                   Fisheye landscape

Worth a look!

a) Freyjad                           Stream
b) V1K1                                 Mudflat Mono

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