
Well, it was once. The back garden of my parents house in Hoddesdon looks very spring like, with an array of daffodils, snowdrops and grape hyacinths pushing through. Mum worked hard on getting it tidy before her op.

Today, she is still very tired. I went up the town with dad. The streets on the estate are so full of parked cars, and the town is unrecognisable. The precinct as we used to call it, changed so much over the years. I drove past my old junior school, Haslewood. Lots of memories. Dad and I did a bit of shopping in Morrisons then home to cook a piece of gammon for our dinner.

I drove back from childhood home to Norfolk in the afternoon, in about 2 hours 45 minutes. Mollie had checked in by text to let me know they were in Edinburgh and had also posted on facebook, photos of the view from her room. Right in the middle of Princes Street straight out over the station and gardens towards the old bit of the city. Couldn't be better. I will try hard not to hassle her all week!

Had a long bath when I got home, and Henry made me a boiled egg (home grown) & toast for tea. I didn't go and have a look inside the caravan, but will do tomorrow.

Now tv then bed. I'm already looking forward to next weekend....

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