Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


I've enjoyed a brilliant day at the Photography Show. I was there early enough to stand in the large mass of people waiting for the opening at 1000. I fear that anyone who stumbled would have been trampled as the crowd surged forwards.

First to Sony to discuss the markings on the back screen. The bad news is that they regard them as "wear and tear", whereas I think it's a fault. The good news is that I can replace it myself under YouTube guidance and an EBay replacement.

I heard 3 talks during the day:

Louis Cole, aka FunforLouis, who posts a daily vlog. He talked about his approach to photography and social media. It was a good presentation. The young woman next to me was a huge fan. When he came on stage, I advised her not to scream, but many others did!

Jeff Ascough, for Canon, talked about how he developed his own photographic style. He showed a lot of his wedding work.

Alex Webb, Magnus photographer, also described his development, this time from film and mono to colour and digital in his street photography. Mind blowing.

In between I looked at stands and equipment. I bought a lens baby. I have fancied one for some time. I was experimenting at lunchtime when I caught the main image. I loved the backlighting. I checked it in camera and when I looked up, the little family had moved off. I failed to find them to offer a copy.

The extra shows the sort of thing the lens baby can do. If my friend Harry is looking, I suggest that he does not check this out; he doesn't like blurring!

I missed the lunchtime Blip meet. I must have been at the wrong food place. Later, Lesley Alsford spotted me. and encouraged me to spend more money!

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