Changing Room

Miss E stayed at home again today. She's definitely harbouring something. And obviously reminded me this morning that the exclusion period is 48 hours!!
I still felt ropey this morning too. Pesky children with their pesky germs!
Mr K took Miss L to school, Miss E went back to bed with Harry Potter on Audible and I spent the morning on the sofa designing some postcards.
I ended up with a stiff neck, back ache and blurred vision but they're done. 
That was pretty much it until it was time to go and pick up Miss L for swimming.
Miss E asked for something to eat as soon as we got there, had a strop because I didn't have anything and wouldn't buy her Rolos, and then rolled around saying she felt sick.
All this while I actually felt sick and wanted nothing else but to lie down on the floor. Sigh.
After the lesson I sent Miss L off to the shower with the shampoo and sat in the cubicle with my head against the wall! I sent Miss E off to see if she was OK after a while and Miss E brought Miss L back to the cubicle despite the fact her hair was quite evidently still covered with shampoo!
This was my view after I'd sent them back again - their wet footprints!
Eventually we made it back to the car. I resisted the urge to get down on my hands and knees and crawl!!!
I fed them beans on toast and then waited for Mr K to get home and put me out of my misery!!

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