Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

Cooper's Hawk

This hawk was really cooperative.  I was at the end of the street talking politics with a neighbor when I saw a large bird land on the roof of the house next door to mine.  I started walking toward it and talking to myself, trying to figure out what I was seeing.  In the meantime, while I'm talking "hawk," Ken kept talking politics (bless his heart).

I walked towards my driveway for a good five minutes.  The garage door was open and my camera was in the car.  I figured there would be no way that bird would stay there long enough for me to capture him but thought I should try. I picked up the camera but I needed to change lenses.  I crept around the corner of the garage and lo! It was still there.  I took about 70 shots of him before he flew off.

I kept walking around the neighborhood looking for him.  It was eerily silent so I knew he was still around.  Once I heard birds again, though, it was obvious he had left the area. At first, I thought it was a Sharp-shinned Hawk but I spent a considerable amount of time confirming the identification.

Check out this dude in expanded view.  I think this might be among my best ever shots.

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