As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Whose Coat Is That Jacket?


I took the easiest test ever on Jane Eyre today. Totally a book worth reading. I'm ashamed of my current inability to speak the Italian language, but I'm hoping I'll get over that soon. Today during third period, we had a junior assembly in the auditorium. Ricky and I were supposed to give a little speech to the grade because we are the class presidents, but they ran out of time. I basically spat out meaningless jibberish for a minute and I was nervous so I kind of forgot to give Ricky the mic but at least it was short. Next time I'll do better. In physics we began to learn about speed, velocity, and acceleration. I know that it's going to get harder, but I hope that time won't come for a while. Gym was nothing, lunch was just lunch, and in APUSH we went over some stuff we read for the summer assignment. In health we played Boggle and introduced the person we interviewed to other kids in the class. Math was a joy as always, and it has easily become my favorite class of the day. After school, there was an executive board meeting of the Class of 2014, and then an easy six miles at cross country practice.

I just finished watching the McEnroe/Sandler vs. Courier/James tennis match at the U.S. Open and now I'm going to try and get a little ahead on my AP Lit reading by starting The Grapes of Wrath.

Paige, Avery, and Shannon claimed that they looked too gross to be photographed after practice. Too bad, I did it anyway.

Thank you to everyone that looked at/commented on my 730th blip yesterday!

Word of the Day: Piceous - Inflammable; combustible

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