I took this shot of a blackbird from one of the back bedroom windows.  It wasn't a good image so I tried it with the different effects in my camera menu.   Liked this Fish Eye effect. Did a bit more processing in Picasa - and this is the result.  I think it counts as a " Silly " shot so I have tagged it for Silly Saturday hosted by admirer

I had no energy this morning to do anything so I just watched TV and caught up with some admin.  Later on I walked down to the village for a bit of shopping in Tesco.

When I got back I potted up some plants which I had bought in Morrisons on Wednesday.  Then I built my mini greenhouse.  It was really easy to build - no tools needed  - everything just slotted together.

Then I made some prawn and pea pasta for my tea and a pan of roasted tomato soup for tomorrow.

The weather has been dull, then sunny for a short while - and breezy.

Steps today - 7,315

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