Mr. HCB and I both had appointments with our lovely hygienist, Meg, this morning, so decided as we were short of books to read, we would pop into the library there on our way to the dental surgery.

We got to the library before it was completely open, but the Quick Choice area opens earlier so we had a wander round there and I was delighted to see this sign for New Books. Mr HCB was behind the sign, so I snook a photograph, and you can just see his hat! 

We came out of the library with another seven books each - so that means not much housework will be done until they are read although as Mr. HCB has been getting up very early, no doubt he will do his gardening and then read in the heat of the day, as it is much too hot in our garden then and of course, that is very sensible! 

I'm quite enjoying psychological thrillers at the moment and it's good to have an app on my iPhone, Book Buddy, so that I can keep a note of the ones I choose. Mr. HCB has a much more sophisticated cataloguing system on his computer but he prefers paper copies - as he says, he's not as technologically minded as me, in other words, he hasn't got the gadgets I have! 

We are now back home and just about to sit in the garden to have a drink and a read - it’s sunny but quite windy, but at least it’s a warm wind, so I’m sure we will enjoy our time together and if we get fed up with reading, we can always just sit and gaze at the garden, which is still looking good.

“A great book should leave you 
     with many experiences, 
          and slightly exhausted 
               at the end. 
You live several lives 
     while reading.”
William Styron

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