Should I have a haircut?

Ann is really, really worried about me. The 'Rimadyl' that the vet put me on, on Thursday doesn't seem to have had any effect on me whatsoever. I'm still walking slower than a snail.

This afternoon Ann had to go to work at 2.30pm so she said, 'Molly, we'll go for a walk along the lane before I go to work.'  I didn't really want to go for a walk along the lane. The minute I got let off my lead I went into mega 'sniffing' mode. And mega 'snail walking' mode. And mega 'panting' mode. It was mega hot!!!

Obviously because I am 13 years old (which is 91 in human years), I've lived through hot summers before. And a lot of you very lovely Blippers, have commented that their doggies are finding the hot weather difficult too. But when Ann told the vet I'd only had a 20 min morning walk the other day he was surprised that was all I wanted?! Collies are supposed to go on forever????

I'm going to finish my course of tablets and Ann's going to phone the vet tomorrow to see if he can suggest anything else that might eradicate my snail like behaviour.

….............BUT............................. Ann wondered whether a haircut might help me?  I've never had a haircut in my life, well collies are rufty tufty dogs who don't do such pampering things but perhaps shedding some of my fur might help me to feel cooler?!!!'

Ann is back from work now and after I'd gobbled up my dinner I went straight out onto the sun terrace for a little chillax.

So what do you think Blippers???? Should I have a haircut?????

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