Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

You Decide

Golly, thanks for all of the stars and faves on yesterday's bolt of lightening.  You got it all the way to page 3 of pops. xx

Most people in the States recognize  Al Franken   as the very serious junior Senator from the State of Minnesota.  Those who are old enough, remember him as one of the original writers and cast members of Saturday Night Live.  (Who knew he attended Harvard where he majored in government, graduating cum laude?)  He's also a super witty, satirical author. 

There's a footnote in the foreward which reads:
"Because I'm a United States Senator, I can't use the word 'bull-'.  Even though Washington is indeed awash in bullshit.  So, throughout this volume, whenever you see a very mild oath like 'Fiddlesticks' (or some gentle name-calling like 'numbskull' or 'dimwit'...or synonym for 'bull-' like 'poppycock'...I've replaced something...with a less offense phrase or expression.  I feel I have a duty to my colleagues and constituents to make at least a token effort to preserve  [the Senate's] dignity and decorum.  I wish I could say the same for that dunderhead Ted Cruz."©

Chapter 1 begins thusly,
"I was born in the house I built with my own two hands.
      I'm sorry that's not true. I got that from my official Senate website.  We really should change that."©

After that, I couldn't put it down.

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