
As much as I hate going food shopping on a Saturday I couldn't put it off any longer as the cupboards are actually bare!
I spent £80 in Aldi which was a record. Salt, bin bags, foil, dishwasher tablets, bleach....... As well as all the food.  We had run out of everything!!
I did buy Mr K some beers. To get him through the next few days of DIY!!!
I had a few things left on my list so popped to Tescos. Another £40 spent. Sigh.
Annoyingly the swimming pool called this morning to say that the pool was closed due to "technical issues" so there'd be no lessons. Miss E was due to start at the next level this morning which she's been giddy about. Proud of herself and pleased to be back with Miss A. 
Mr K was delighted too as the lesson is half an hour later than it has been!!
He took them out to Lobby Lu's for breakfast anyway and they took Archie with them. Leaving me to have my bath in peace!!
After I braved Aldi and Tescos we spent the day moving boxes of books - and random stuff - dusting, hoovering, mopping, unpacking flat pack boxes and loading the car up with cardboard for the tip.
Mr K did a fabulous job as ever building the bookshelves and by the end of the day they were up and looking great in their new spot.
Tomorrow we'll fill them. I can't wait to see all my books again!!

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