Victoria Bridge After Dark

Monday morning and we had a super-excited  boy.  The final few bits and pieces went in his bag including the wellies and we dropped him and all his stuff at breakfast club.  He couldn’t get there fast enough.  They were spending most of the morning in school, then heading off to the outdoor centre in Northumberland, returning on Friday afternoon.

TT and I headed to work, and I spent most of my day at my desk, leaving it only for a couple of meetings.  It was really cold in the office and I wanted to go out at lunchtime for a brisk walk to help me warm up, but unfortunately I didn’t have time.

By the time I left this evening, my Fitbit showed a very poor step count, so I went out for a walk around town after tea – in the dark.

The house is definitely quiet and TT and I are making the most of a week with no homework and no cello practice to deal with.

I had a blipless day and I regret not getting a photograph of BB heading off this morning.  Here is Victoria Bridge this evening – in the dark.

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