Hebden Bridge Steampunk

I set off this afternoon blatantly ignoring the weather app which promised heavy rain all afternoon and I'm so glad I did;  not only did we not see rain, we had sunshine.  

I'd seen this even advertised and because I knew there would be opportunities for blipping people I decided to go along.  There were Morris dancers, musicians  and many people in costume and in the evening there are shows and entertainment.  The event continues over the weekend if you have the stamina.  I didn't get the names of any of my subjects but having gone to the trouble of dressing up they are always happy to oblige the photographer.  I've walked so much today I'm just going to put my feet up and sit in front of the television this evening - it sounds like bliss.

Thank you for the kind response to my blips and for visiting my journal, both are very much appreciated.

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