The Sunflower Lover

I was perusing the Mexican sunflowers at the Arboretum, when a fine monarch butterfly flittered past me. I was taking pictures of it when I heard a mighty scurrying sound. Something was climbing the sunflower stalks!

And then it appeared: a chipmunk! It was small enough that it was able to sit on a leaf, at least for a little while. (No, I don't think my own tushie was EVER that small!)

It clung from the stems by its back paws and in its front paws, it grasped a seed head, which it immediately set about nomming. And then - oopsie daisy! - it either jumped or tumbled down to the ground with its prize. (No small feat! These sunflowers are at least 8 feet high!)

The soundtrack: I wanted a song for this little sunflower lover to be one that has the word lover in it. So here is a little-known Queen song, Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy.

Possibly related:
Portrait of a sunflower lover
Mexican sunflowers for breakfast
Butterfly days: in which my wish is granted!

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