Dachshund racing .....

As this is indeed October .... SteelStacks in Bethlehem is hosting Oktoberfest for the next couple of weekends. 

We aren't huge beer drinkers but I had read that there was to be Dachshund racing this afternoon!  How fun does that sound!?!

Quite fun as it turns out!

We were there for a couple of hours watching all the fun .... right up to the end when Ollie (center picture) took the top prize.  He is only 7 months and cute as all heck!  I think that his young age was definitely an asset as he was most definitely the fastest ... edging out all of the competition.  The Dachshund in the upper picture was probably my favorite .... her name was Denver Skye (I don't know the exact spelling but I like it with the 'e'!) and she came in second over all.  I was rooting for her to win, but Ollie was simply too fast!

I took almost 300 pictures just of the Dachshund racing so a collage was a must today.  This one's for you, Mabel!  And D & R, too!

There is a little bit of pink thrown into some of these pictures as Breast Cancer Awareness month continues.  If you would like to help women and men who can't afford to get a mammogram .... please click on this link and then click on the pink bar. It won't cost you a thing and it will help those in need!

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