Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

The ivy is flowering

I was away from home for only 5 days, but a lot changes in the garden in that time. The beech trees have lost most of their leaves now and the lawns are carpeted in brown.

Apples have begun to fall from the two apple trees. I spent some time this afternoon gathering windfalls and then picking some directly from the branches. We have more than we really need.

In Janary I am going to Myanmar and I want to take the best kit I can, but it needs to be as light as possible. I used my Canon 5D mkiii in Malaga and I love it. I used the 28mm prime nearly all the time and found it very useful when in the streets. So, shall I take the Canon, or shall I make myself use the Sony A7 ii? I've found it hard to get used to this smaller DSLR and I want to have something that shoots well but does not make me look like a walking lens exhibition. Any thoughts?

I used the Sony this afternoon with its macro lens. I am going to use it almost exclusively for the next 2 months and then decide.  I'd love the 70-200mm f 2.8 lens but it is very heavy so I don't think it's practical (even if I could justify the cost).

I've stewed two big bowls of apples and made leek, potato and apple soup (curried) while I was cooking our dinner. Domestic goddess delusions?

Two days ago I blipped a picture of a delightful Spaniard in his front door. It was suggested to me that I should remove the light bulb over his head. I have now put the edited image as an extra so you can see what you think.

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