Rainbow Threads

These might look pretty, but they are totally useless.  I cannot find the free end on any of them:-)  Bought ages ago and never needed until today, when I wanted a deep burgundy colour.  Twenty frustrating minutes later I gave up and just used black instead:-)

Alarming news about my 93 year old MIL last night when we learned she had had a nasty fall in the house and was in hospital.  Because she has serious problems with arthritis in her hips and spine, she was unable to get up and unable to summon help (she'd taken her wrist alarm off to wash her hands!)  She lay on the floor for about 24 hours before worried family members were able to get to her flat and find out what had happened.

Fortunately, she hasn't done any serious damage to herself and the latest news is that she hopes to be allowed home tomorrow, but it's been a worrying time for the whole family.  Things may have to change, whether she likes it or not:-)

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