Had a quiet day today.  I did have a list of jobs to get on with but didn't make much progress. I still haven't finished building the cat tree - its just laying on its side half built.  But Lily seems to like it that way - she sits on it a lot and sharpens her claws on the sisal posts.  I made a foray into the spare room to search for Christmas cards and Christmas wrap.  Had to move all sorts of junk to get to them but I did it.

Around 4pm I walked down to the village to get my repeat prescription and to go to Tesco. It was cold and windy and I needed to be well wrapped up.

For Tiny Tuesday I have taken a photo of a little metal crown which decorates a bar of chocolate.  The crown measures 1cm. The chocolate is handmade in Newcastle and its milk chocolate with Christmas Spice - its called " Three Kings ". ( Its destined to be a Christmas gift - if I can resist eating it.  I had better put it out of sight )  Thanks to dbifulco for hosting Tiny Tuesday.

Steps today - 7,599 *

* I have just earned my Nile badge - since I got my fitbit I have  walked the length of the Nile - the longest river in the world  - 4,132 miles

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