Grey Day

My SAD lamp hasn't yet arrived despite apparently being sent days ago. Mr K contacted the supplier and they've refunded the money as they say it should have been delivered by now. Annoying!!
Obviously I'm not getting any actual sunshine at the moment so it's back to the drawing board. Because I am grumpy and feeling generally bluuuuugghhhhhhhhhh!!!!
I wasn't feeling grumpy in my class this morning though - it was brilliant!
It was the end of term Christmas party lesson - I had on my spectacular bright blue Christmas tree jumper (Primark's finest!!) and an antler headband. With bells!! (Pound Shop's finest!)
There was lots of Christmas music, songs and signs.
I felt positively festive on the way home!!
It was Miss E's Christmas concert at school tonight. Mr K got home early and Nana and Papa came too. It was amazing! They do put on a good show at Miss E's school!!
It was for Year 5 and 6 and there were songs from each class, fabulous solos, amazing instrumentals and orchestra pieces. Miss E's class did a brilliant recital of 'Twas The Night Before Christmas  
It was all followed by mulled wine and delicious mince pies. They do put on a good spread!!
My mum was talking about the difference between the Little Misses' schools. She and my dad don't understand why we don't move Miss L to what, to them, is clearly a better school. 
Just as we were talking about how much more welcome you feel at events Miss E's school the headmistress came up beaming and asking could she replenish our glasses? At Miss L's Christingle on Monday the head came up to the row we were sat in and barked "can you move up so I can have this chair" No hello, no thank you for coming, no lovely to see you.
Such a difference!!!! And don't even get me started on the PE teacher's attitude the other day.
But Miss L is happy, doing well and - most importantly - doesn't want to move.  
And you can't chose an educational establishment based on a superior mince pie!!

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