On the River with Ma and Pa

Up for an early start to catch the river boat with Ma and Pa and my little Brother (who aint so little).
It was brilliant...the day was lovely....there were lots of gorgeous big and boofy clouds in the sky as we glided down from the Tweed (not far from our neck of the woods)......To Tumblegum.
I loved looking at the landscape from inside of the river instead of the banks.

The huge bonus were the birds....Terns...Spoonbills...Brahmany Kites......white breasted sea Eagles...(I thought of you Jen)....Eagles....Pelicans and the ubiquitous Seagulls....I was in heaven. The only fly in the ointment is that I didn't take my good lens...it was too heavy for me to carry around ...so no decent shots of the Eagles ......but ......those Pelicans are clowns and I got heaps of fabulous pics of them.

After our cruise we went for a lovely lunch. Yes a fabulous day...we laughed a lot especially at Mum trying to get 'Boogle' (Google) to talk to her on her iphone........I think Dad was very happy with his Birthday treat.

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