Airport sky

I was at the park and ride by 7.40am, just as 2 buses turned up. I was too busy looking at the amazing sky to notice that the first didn't let anyone on, just drove round in a circle and the one just following stopped for us. I eventually got my phone to take this photo. Not the best angle but I didn't want to waste more time and risk missing it. The rest of the country had fog I think. My drive was icy again, but beautifully clear.

Busy day at work and finally finished buying presents for Jon at lunchtime. Trying hard to get on top of my work before the holiday. My work colleagues insist it isn't possible, but I know otherwise. I will be ahead if I'm organised well enough. I'm getting there! Left at 5 but as usual waited an age for the bus. Home at 6.30 after dropping in to Tesco for batteries. The Wii remotes are all empty apparently.

Jon cooked dinner. A huge volume of bolognaise. We need to make freezer space so that I can buy a turkey. If they sell out then Babs is our plumpest hen...

Mollie has helped me do stuff on the computer all evening which I'm enormously grateful for. It's been a team effort. Now tea and an early night. Just 2 getting up early tomorrow!

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