An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

A journey of a thousand miles...

...begins with a single step.  No one said that step had to be on dry land.

My alarm woke me at 7am and by 7.30am I was in the hydrotherapy pool, determined to start as I mean to go on.

Last year was all about getting Alan completely well again and making sure he has a happy, fulfilled life.  Whilst this will always be something we need to work at and keep our eye on, I feel he has reached a place where his general health is good.  He has the energy and the motivation to be out and about doing things and is happy to do these things with his PA's, independently of us.  That's not to say we don't enjoy family time together, but he's doing what he should be doing.  Living his life without us constantly in attendance.  That makes me very happy.

So, with that in mind, I feel I can now pay a bit of attention to myself. 

The timing is right, my head is in the right place and I am motivated to make some changes for the better.   It's very simple.  I plan to move more and eat more healthily and stop bloody procrastinating! 

I am not going on a diet, they are pointless.  I know what I need to (and just as importantly not to) eat.  I am realistic.   I know I will have days when something unhealthy will pass my lips, I have to learn to balance that and get straight back to healthy eating, not use it as an excuse fall into a bad pattern.

So an hour in the pool was a great start, moving and exercising in a way that just isn't possible for me on dry land.  It felt amazing. 

The rest of the day has been spent taking Christmas decs down and getting them packed away.  Lola exhausted herself helping (see extra).

The place now looks completely bare!  

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