Burns supper at the EICC

I was out again tonight, this time at a Burns supper at the EICC. Just before the meal we were shown how the small auditoriums can be brought together into one large one. It was like something out of Harry Potter as the walls disappeared and several small rooms merged into a huge lecture hall.

The supper was lovely. Instead of sitting between two elderly gentlemen (as I did on Wednesday) this evening I was between two young women in their early forties (one of whom is my friend/colleague/PhD student Frances). The meal comprised smoked salmon, haggis, lamb, and passion fruit and lemon tart. There was a ceilidh afterwards, but I didn't stay because I have too much to do over the next few days and need my sleep.

Earlier in the day I answered email and edited journal papers.

Exercise today: walking (7424 steps)

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