
Today has been a day of ups and downs. Sadly mostly downs.
It started off with a nice relaxing bath and then went downhill as homework arguments and hysteria gathered steam.
Threats to take the bed back made matters worse.
The bacon and eggs I made for brunch caused squabbles as to who was getting the most. Not me that's for sure!!!!
When Miss E wailed "But why does she always get more than me?" I decided enough was enough, grabbed my keys and marched out of the door.
With no real plan as to where I was going!
I headed towards Ikea with a vague plan to take the bed back but I couldn't face the faff of getting it all out and back into the store for a refund, only have to go back and get it all again whenever Miss E has "earnt" it back!
So I went to TKMaxx and tried on evening wear for our cruise instead!
Sadly unless I grow a foot between now and April there was nothing suitable!!
Having tried everything on there was nothing for it but to go home.
Miss E scuttled off upstairs at the sight of me. Sigh.
Apparently she spent most of the time I was gone in tears. Which makes me feel like shit. 
It was made even worse by the fact that she'd sent me a load of messages which I hadn't got so she thought I'd just ignored:  saying she was sorry and wanted to make up and asking me to come home so we could make friends.
And she thought I'd just ignored her messages. Sigh.
They came through about ten minutes after I got in. She came down to talk  and thankfully snuggle up with me.
The day got better then.
Before going downhill again during the Sunday roast - arguments about table manners, bad attitude, ingratitude and general annoyingness.
I was more than ready for my bed.

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