The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

The eternal appeal of Alice in Wonderland

This was a very attractive display in a tea-and-china shop window in Cheltenham. Personally, though I admire the Tenniel illustrations, I'm not a big fan of Alice in Wonderland. I think it's because I read it when I was very young and did not understand much. Also, wasn't the rev Charles Dodgson a bit dodgy?

Cheltenham IS a bit mad during race week! I didn't see nearly enough Irishmen. They were all at the races already. I am going to find it hard to avoid the bookies' tomorrow, on Gold Cup day. I grew up within sound of Leopardstown races, it's in my psyche.

Friend Dave and I pottered, and had tea, and pottered, and had lunch, and pottered and had more tea. Dave's pottering is getting slower. He is 76. He reckons he's giving up work.this year.

The bus home was caught in lengthy tailbacks. Tomorrow and Saturday I have unexpected market stalls in the Shambles indoors. I've already packed. It's been a good week for card sales, the new designs are flying out of the baskets.

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