We Like Driving in Our Van!!

I'm forty-four today!! 
I have no problem with getting older but I can't quite believe the number!! When I hear on the news that someone is forty-four it still seems miles away and nothing to do with me!!
Unless, of course, someone dies at forty-four with two young children. Then it seems horrifically young.
Anyway! Happy Birthday to me!!!
The day got off to its usual lovely start. Shuffling and whispering and then a rendition of Happy Birthday as the lovely Little Misses and Mr K came in with flowers, gifts and tea!
I had been getting a bit anxious as it was getting later and later and I really needed to get up!
A giant Aldi candle (number 1, my favourite!), Lindt chocolates and peanut M&Ms from the Little Misses.
And a shiny new phone from Mr K. Yay. 
Then there was a hideous and less than celebratory rush to get ready for school and work. It's been about twenty years since I worked on my birthday - pre children I always took the day off!
Once I got home from work I spent the afternoon on the sofa eating Lindt truffles until I felt sick, watching Grey's Anatomy and betting on the Cheltenham races. No wins unfortunately but a pretty good way to spend the afternoon.
The Little Misses ate their dinner in the Bongo tonight (which we're calling The Bongo even though it isn't a Bongo until we think of a better name!!). They were giddy to be out in it!
Annoyingly I was feeling sick and headachy and generally bluuuughhhhh. And by the time Mr K got home I just wanted to lie down! So we didn't get the big dinner we'd planned (Tesco's Finest dine in, get us!!) Mr K made me some of his marvellous medicinal bananas on toast with honey (the food of the Gods!!) and we finally watched the first episode of McMafia before bed.

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