Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Exit from Brexit!

There was a rally in Newcastle today and I went along to photograph it.

Here is Pauline, whose acquaintance I made at the NHS rally. She was stewarding at both events. When she asked me to take her photograph, I spotted the flag nearby and was able to position her in front of it.

I suspect that demanding a second referendum is unlikely to produce a positive response. I'm also very, very sad that we are leaving the EU, despite its problems. There were some passionate speeches.

I left early to visit Julie. She has been keeping quiet about tripping and falling flat on her face in Glasgow last week and is concealing the wound very well with her wig and dark glasses. We had a good natter and a catch up over coffee before I drove home. As usual she bounces back quickly.

The catkins have visited the conservatory today - just one small step towards going outside. I don't know when we will feel strong enough to risk it, although they do like the food here so they may return for supper!

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