An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Who Killed Roger Rabbit?

The day started well.

David brought me a bowl of muesli in bed accompanied by Lola.  Lola isn't allowed upstairs but she was allowed up since David was with her and I got some lovely cuddles.  Lovely start to the day.

The plan for this afternoon was to take Lola and meet up with Harlow and his folks to let them have a play together.  I was going to take my camera and hopefully get some good photos of them together.  Afterwards we would head somewhere nice for coffee followed by a drive and maybe some landscape photography.  Alas the best laid plans and all that.

Harlow's mum got in touch to say poor Harlow hurt his leg out walking yesterday and is a bit lame today so was having a rest and couldn't come out to play.  Alternative plan required.  

By the time we had lunch the weather had taken a turn for the worse so all desire to go out disappeared.  Just after 3.00pm the snow started.  Very lightly at first, sleet really, but as the day has gone on the white stuff has continued to fall and now we have a layer of white.  It feels quite bizarre.

Spent time making a proper Ragu sauce for spag bol and sorting another load of my photos of our building work.  I want to do a before, during and after photobook but it's taking ages to decide which photos to include.

Alan's been out all day at Glasgow Science Centre, which he loved, and a quick pop in to Ikea.  Lola got a long walk late morning so has been a lazy girl all afternoon.  We thought she was asleep in the boot room till David took stuff out to the bin and realised she wasn't there.  Heart in mouth moment!  He found her in the guest bedroom, lying comfortably on the bed chewing merrily on the ultra cute and meltingly soft little bunny that lives there.  You can see the full extent of the damage in extras.  The Easter bunny is dead and I am not a happy mummy!

The other photo in extras is very special.  It was sent to me by our friend Carole (Lola's breeder) and shows Lola's mum Lily sitting on the left, Lola's gran Isla sitting on the right and Lola's sister Freya lying down in front.  Lily and Freya both belong to Carole and Isla belongs to a good friend of Carole.  Three generations.  Isn't that lovely? :-))

Snow is still falling here.  Hope the weather is behaving where you are.

PS I have forgiven Lola.  Impossible to stay annoyed at her :-))

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