Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid

Dubai Skyline

After a rather quiet day, where the only unusual thing was our cleaner coming a day early, we ventured out in the evening to get a suitable blip.

Second day in a row for me blipping Dubai's skyline... what I've really wanted to capture all October is the Fairmont Hotel (building with 2 pink pyramids on the right). Normally, the colours of this hotel keep changing, but for October, they have left them pink. Unfortunately, you cant see all four pyramids from where I'm standing. To get a better idea, look here.

Managed to capture some of Dubai's well known landmarks - the Trade Centre (bright yellow in the middle) being the oldest, and Burj Khalifa (on the left) being the most famous. There is too much light pollution in this city so apologies for the noise. I actually took this on Manual without a tripod!

Nicely scratching things off my pink blip list...

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