An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

A float away day...

Today just seems to have drifted by me.

I had a very restless night and didn't sleep well at all.  I got up at 8.30 and got showered and by the time I did that, instead of feeling refreshed, a wave of tiredness hit me so I lay down again and the next thing I knew it was was just after 12 o'clock and David was asking me what I wanted for lunch.

Kirsteen the physio came to see Alan at 2pm with the aim of getting him into his sit-to-stand chair.  Due to his illness last year, it's been a while since he used it so we wanted Kirsteen to check if it needed adjusted.  Once she'd checked it over, in he went and after a bit of faffing he was sitting comfortably and she could crank it into the standing position.

We weren't sure if he would have the energy to go right up in to a fully weight bearing standing position but Alan was keen to try and he did it.  He was very chuffed with himself and rightly so.

I missed all the excitement as I was in the pool doing a pre-physio warm up as once finished with Alan, Kirsteen was turning her attention to me and the pool physio programme she set up for me a few weeks ago.

By the end of it I had been in the pool for almost three hours, as once I had finished the physio programme I wanted to spend some time in the pool just relaxing and doing some stretching.  It was exhausting but I enjoyed it, even if I looked like an anaemic prune by the time I got out!

Lola had a brilliant walk with the dog walker this afternoon.  He took her along with a chocolate lab that he walks and him and Lola got on brilliantly.  She was off lead and R says her recall was excellent.  Another dog walker arrived with three dogs and they all played together beautifully.  Lola was particularly taken with the beagle.  I must admit I have a bit of a soft spot for beagles myself :-)

When it was time for the other dog walker to carry on her way, R called to Lola and she came to him immediately and sat at his feet.  I think she's beginning to get this recall malarky!  

Today's blip is her looking at me longingly as I ate some watermelon.  Did I give her any?  What do you think?  ;-)

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