Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

That Time Of Year

It was the first day that my front door handle was too hot to touch.  I had to go back into the garage for a rag to get inside,then dug around in the coat closet for my trusty summer mitten.  It was about 4:00 and the perfect angle for the sun to be pounding on the black steel door.  For the next few months as the sun moves across the sky from the SW towards NW, I should expect to do this every afternoon.  

I saw my renal dietitian this afternoon. The biggest thing I have knock completely out of my diet are dairy products. It's the phosphorus that I have to get as low as possible.    I'm only being affected by two obvious symptoms at this point: fatigue and itching (caused by the phosphorus).  Sometimes I itch so much all over my body that I can't sit comfortably in public.  It looks like I'm afflicted with some other kind of psycho disease.

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