Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

An Immigrant

I had a much-needed hour late this afternoon in one of my pollinator gardens where I saw my first European Wool Carder bee of the year.  I've always really liked these big, fuzzy bees.  Not only are they interesting in appearance, but they are also excellent pollinators.  Their name comes from the behavior of females who gather plant hairs/fibers to construct their nests.  They are especially partial to plants like Lamb's Ear, which are covered in soft fibrous hairs.

I was up early in order to get to the hospital before the doctors started their morning rounds.  Last night was the first night Hubs has not spent at the hospital, so I also wanted to know how well she managed last night.  At some point during the night she tried to get out of bed which set off the bed alarm and sent an aid racing to help her.  She is used to being ambulatory, so she doesn't really understand that she needs help right now.  Anyway, she was still a little listless today, but we managed to have some laughs - and to make all the nurses, aides and doctors laugh too.  They get such a kick out of her uncensored sense of humor.  And she loves it when she can surprise and shock, people.

So that's my story for today.  I'm very tired and looking forward to reading a bit tonight and then hitting bed early.

Thank you all so much for the support and kind words.


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