On the Farm

Miss E went off with Mr K bright and early when he went to work this morning. He dropped her off in Bicester on his way through for a day with Nana.
Miss L and I went to Green Dragon Eco Farm to meet Mrs L and Mr T. 
As soon as we got there Miss L and Miss T jumped onto the go-karts and had fun whizzing round. Monkey particularly enjoyed himself!!
Then it was to the adventure playground. For a quick play before lunch and then to feed the animals.
Or so we thought!!
What they actually did was play for a few seconds before getting stuck in to their lunch (at 11.30am!!), disappear off into the soft play, come back out for some sandpit and trampoline action, and then go back in for more soft play.
All the while Mrs L and I sat in the sunshine chatting and drinking tea and eating our picnic (we waited until after 12pm!!)
We realised that we didn't really need to have paid £17 for entry when all they wanted to do was play in the park but, hey ho, they were having fun and Mrs L and I could just relax!
About half an hour before we had to leave we finally got them into the barns to feed the goats, sheep and pigs. 
Then it was time to say goodbye to Mrs L and and Mr T and head to our second park of the day. I'd arranged to meet Mrs J, Miss L and Miss K at Padbury park for an hour before swimming.
Actually I'd arranged to meet them two hours before swimming but had forgotten that and thought we'd said 3pm rather than 2pm which is when they got there and were expecting us. Oops!!!
And we didn't get there until 3.20pm so there wasn't much time to play but it was nice to sit and chat to Mrs J for a while.
Swimming and then home for a much needed snuggle on the sofa. 
Mr K picked Miss E up on his way through Bicester and by all accounts she's had a lovely day with Nana.

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