Hanging Baskets

Monday morning and off to get the early bus.  I started reading a new book on the bus, but was not quite awake enough to take any of it in!  I had a busy day in the office, but a nice break at lunchtime when a colleague and I met up with IF who retired recently.  We had a nice lunch and updated him on all the news and gossip from the office.  He was looking very well and was very relaxed.  A good advert for retirement!

When I got home, I heard all about BB’s day including  drama class where they had to mime.  I would have hated such nonsense when I was at school, but he seems to be taking it all in his stride.  He had rugby training after school and loved it.

I brought some work home, but haven’t mustered up any enthusiasm for it!

The nights are drawing in, but the  hanging baskets in town are still blooming lovely.

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