
Went to work, worked, went back home.  Just how routine is that?  But there are 'new' buildings to look at, new angles, new colours, so I have enough material ... for now.  This is another university situated close to our temporary quarters.  Not to be fooled, as we will be occupying our present building for at least another four years.

An easy day at work.  There are moments when I appreciate minimalism.  So far, I haven't paid a single cent for parking and I intend to keep it that way.  It's funny sometimes, though, how I splurge on some things and then act like a regular scrooge when it comes to other things.

If you joined MM241 yesterday ... great!  Thank you, and I'll respond on Friday, in case some join in with backblips, the way some of my students come in a few minutes late ... haha!

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