
Had to be up early this morning as I was expecting the glazier.  He was supposed to come at 10am but he arrived at 9.30am.  He spent some time outside on the driveway cutting a hole in the new glass panel for the patio door and fitting the cat flap.  Then he moved indoors.  He had a lot of trouble getting the old pane out of the door. Cue lots of grumbling and  grunting.  He finally got it out and the new one was put in place.  More trouble getting that fitted properly - but he got there in the end.   Then he showed me how to open and close the cat flap.  It was then he realised that he had fitted the cat flap the wrong way round.  The outside of it has a seal to make it weather proof but this seal was on the inside.  So he had to take the cat flap out switch it around and fit it in the glass again.

So far the cats haven't quite got the idea of it.  Tino will go out and in --- but only if I hold the flap open.  Lily won't even go near it.  Its toooooo new and frightening for her.  Little scaredy cat.  Hopefully when Tino masters it she will copy him and start using it.

Apart from the cat flap getting fitted its been a normal Monday for me.  Fitness Class this afternoon and Slimming Group this evening.  Lost 1½ pounds this week.  Pleased with that.  Only one more pound to lose to get back into my target range.

My cold is worse today but the sore throat has gone - and my thumb is slightly better. 

Fellow blipper SarumStroller  has recently passed away.  WharfedaleBex is  encouraging blippers to join in with a challenge and pick just one photo to tag #SarumStroller.  It could be something " dusk to dawn "  ( a time when he was regularly out with his camera) or something honouring his style like  fisheye or vivid  landscapes or, as the founder of the challenge, a derelict moment.  The challenge runs until the end of September.  So when I saw this unused and forgotten door in the allotments I decided this would be my derelict  blip to honour SarumStroller. 

Becky and Mike are continuing to have a wonderful holiday. They have been on a 4 mile run around Las Vegas - they went early in the day and the temp was already 31 degrees. They have been swimming, sunbathing and enjoying lots of frozen cocktails. They have been to the Titanic Exhibition at the Luxor Hotel.  Becky says its much better than the one in Belfast.

Steps today  - 16,037

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