
After my day of exhaustion and listlessness yesterday, I woke early feeling absolutely fine today.  I was out for a  run before 8am. It was a lovely morning again, not too cold and quite still.  I was perhaps rather over ambitious in wearing my sun glasses as the sun didn’t really appear when I was running.  I got home, had a shower and got changed, with just enough time to get BB out to the armistice Day parade.  He was taking part with the Scouts, and chose to do this over playing football – a cup game too. 

Every year I think I should go to the church service but never so, but this year I did.  It was almost standing room only.  BB tells me every year about the poppies falling from the roof – it was lovely and very poignant.  We got home to find TT tidying the garden and surveying the spot of our old apple tree, which he has now cut down.  It’s a shame as it was a really old tree, but it has been dying back for the past few years and after much cutting back, there wasn’t much left of it.

After lunch we went over to North Berwick for a  wander and a walk along the beach.  The light was amazing – big dark clouds, but the sun was managing to filter through and reflect on the sea – which was quite calm.  Next stop was the supermarket, home to cook while TT had a bonfire and BB practiced his cello.  I then had to get stuck into an ironing mountain. 

Before I knew it, the evening has disappeared.

Here are the poppies that fell during the service.  The extra is at North Berwick this afternoon.


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