December 1st!

Something feels right about having snow on December 1st.  Our first flakes of snow fell on September 13th which surprised the heck out of us!  So today when it began falling quite heavily, all seemed well and right.  

Also because of helpful information passed along by blipper NannaK regarding yesterdays photo book uploading fiasco.  It worked and so all was uploaded successfully today via another way and route.  So grateful as I'd definitely lost the joy and creativity in making the second book.  

This evening finds us heading down the road to our friends in the log cabin for a night of Mexican food, drinks and dancing.  Can't wait!

Extra image you can see how heavily the snow was falling.  My journal will be filled with these for the next few months...

Oh!  Almost forgot!  I backslapped!  Oops, stupid auto correct...back 'blipped'. ;)

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