Journey Through Time

By Sue

Happy Birthday

No, the cake does not say Hippy Birthday, although that's what it looks like. The A misbehaved and turned. Happy Birthday to our son. Many, many, many, many more.

This "taking a break" thing is hard! Even though I was busy with auntie and with David's birthday stuff, I kept thinking there was something I need to do. Oh, yeah..blip! Jeeeezzzzzzz. So, at the end of the day, a quick blip of the birthday cake. Those candles were cute, but they melted FAST!

We had Chinese food and then after the Trailblazer basketball game that was on TV, we watched a DVD - Disney's Chimpanzee, a sweet nature film about Oscar the baby chimp. I knew my aunt would like to see it, and I conned the boys into watching it. They liked it too. It's not a very long movie, and comes with 4 thumbs up.

Anyway....I do plan on taking a break. Really I do. ;>)

Hope you are all well and having a good weekend. Catch ya later...sometime.

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