Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Happy Boxing Day

I'm kind of sorry that Boxing Day isn't celebrated in the United States as it seems such a nice way to follow up Christmas day.  And when you think about the origins of Boxing Day coming from Great Britain, it is kind of a surprise that it isn't celebrated here.  But I digress...  For all my friends in countries that observe this holiday - happy Boxing Day.  As you can see, I've enlisted one of the Chickadees to help out with the holiday greetings - unfortunately, he's had a bit too much to drink and has managed to muss up his beak.  

It was back to the gym for Hubs and I today - treadmill and upper body weights for me.  

By the way, I should mention that the Tinies are packing their bags and getting ready to go on a rain-forest tour!  Much excitement, as you can imagine.  Stay tuned for updates.


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