True Blue

I know I have really p***** off lots of my former countrymen and I don’t apologise for it in the slightest. In fact, it’s you who ought to be apologising to me.

You are continuing to act exactly as I exaggeratingly document but now you are getting ahead of me and robbing me of material.

A day or two ago, I mentioned the wrath of the Brit when criticised.

Today, in a newspaper interview by Jean Claude Juncker to a German newspaper, he suggested the UK should get its act together and tell the EU what it wants and goes on to say, the EU position has been clear from the start over 2 years ago.  The UK's Guardian Newspaper writes it up pretty factually.

However, the largest number of papers and other media including Sky News used phrases like “Mrs May told to ….” and called it “EU bullying”.

Don’t you get it Brits?

For three years you have been waging a civil war that has been festering for over 40 years and broke out when spineless Cameron declared there would be a referendum.

Since then you have fought tirelessly every single day at the national level,  at the workplace and in the family home about the issue and you are completely split. Nobody is prepared to give 2.54 centimetres, at least in public. And then arch enemy Jean-Clade utters a word and you unite. 

Luckily such nonsense doesn’t make any newspaper or TV bulletin in Germany. However, Mr Juncker’s other remarks in the interview were indeed reported and the German press added their agreement of his criticism of ALL EU heads of government, including Mrs Merkel, for not actually doing anything about the migration of people and the need to ensure a coordinated effort to secure the entire EU outer borders. All the Governments were shouting about the need but nobody was prepared to actually do anything. And of course, the UK has always done their best to avoid the idea of an EU centrally coordinated force – Frontex. No, we want to have control ourselves.

And while here, do I need to repeat again that J-C and his commissioners, just like the many before them, have NEVER passed a law? They are simply there to suggest issues to be addressed and then to coordinate the legal process before finally policing any law that has been passed by the MEPs and the European Council on which your PM sits.

You would think the UK had learnt just a tiny bit about how the EU works after all this time. I suspect that most Brits still don’t know that the EU costs them.

The 2017 fee was pretty high as the UK economy was doing so well. It was around £9bn. The UK Defense budget is a good 4x that sum and planned to be just short of £38bn next year. And this is what your Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson said today in a Sunday Telegraph interview he wants to do with it:

"The UK could establish new military bases in the Caribbean and the Far East as Brexit offers the country a chance to become a "true global player once more. This is our biggest moment as a nation since the end of the Second World War, when we can recast ourselves in a different way, we can actually play the role on the world stage that the world expects us to play. For so long - literally for decades - so much of our national viewpoint has actually been coloured by a discussion about the European Union. This is our moment to be that true global player once more - and I think the armed forces play a really important role as part of that."

Good on you UK for supporting the economies of the likes of Singapore or Brunei, or Montserrat or Guyana. 

And wasn’t it just a day or two ago that I suggested the entire UK defence force would be called in to sort out the Channel Crisis? Remember?

What did the wonderful Gavin say today as he stabbed good old Javid in the back?

I think it's in response to  Geoffrey Ramsbotham of Dover who complained to Sky News when interviewed on Dover beach that he couldn’t let Fido have a proper run out due to the hordes of immigrants taking up every inch of sand and constantly asking him “Police? – Asylum?”.

Don’t worry Geoffrey, Javid is on his way home to get control of the crises. The posters will soon be hanging up at every train station in the land "Your Country Needs You" I understand Walmington-on-Sea Home Guard can't keep up with the voluntary application forms.

Boy oh Boy. Watch out for Ides of March.

I am such a fool. I could be making a fortune at the moment and indeed the long-term outlook is excellent. Nothing that investors like more than a stable forecast. My inflatable is made for cross-Channel work. It is a UK Small Boats registered vessel with a really proper pukka blue British Passport AND it is on the German Boat Registry too and thus fully in accordance with Resolution No.13 rev. Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) requirements, giving it full access rights to all EU countries. No Frontex gunboat can have anything on me.

It has Croatian Adriatic Sea and Greek  Aegean Sea experience and  is equipped with a Red Ensign, a really trustworthy 1980s 10hp outboard so the fact one oar is missing will not be an issue.  And this is no lie, it has UK and  French coastal water experience. For a non-refundable small deposit, life jackets can be rented. And for those with really sharp eyes you will see on the German certificate that it has 6.5sqm of sail!You can probably get free mooring at Ted Heath's old sailing club although not all Morning Glory's did so well.

Hi Jinks Too, indeed.

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