Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Hanging up to dry

Thank you for the kind wishes for Thomas yesterday - I should just say its not yet a done deal, as in England we have a very peculiar and unique university application system whereby you are made an offer on past achievements and predicted grades, subject to achieving those grades. However he works hard and is very motivated so hopefully all will go according to plan.

Gavin left for New York this morning, one of those crazy three day trips from the east coast across to LA and back home again by Friday morning. 

It's been a quiet day at home, I finished my excellent book on my dog walk this morning (listening to it on Audible) and now I am trying to decide what to read next - I think I want to read The Mermaid and Mrs Hancock, has anyone read it yet? After my walk I made another pot of lentil and chickpea soup, my latest favourite soup.

I liked the way these leaves were hanging on, like washing drying on a line!

Tonight I am going to a talk by a photographer who is a Fellow of the RPS on how she edits her photos using Photoshop. It is always interesting seeing how other people edit and what workflow they use.

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