A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

17 months old.

Last day of February which means that Eda is now 17 months old.

She had a long sleep, which was nice for us as today was Grace’s day off. As predicted it was dull and wet this morning so we went to a Play Cafe just off Gloucester Road.

She had a great time, picking up this doll’s buggy straight away and pushing up and down most of the morning. I caught her at this moment when she thought a short cut under the table was a good idea.

Grace and I ordered coffees and bacon butties and then some scrambled eggs for Eda when it got a bit nearer to lunchtime. She hadn’t had much breakfast so seemed to enjoy this followed by a yoghurt.

Getting ready to go Eda picked up ‘Dear Zoo’ and we were looking at this much loved, familiar book on one of the sofas when she started to cough. I went round to comfort her and she was sick all over me, herself and the sofa!

It’s brightened up now with a bit of a breeze so my newly washed clothes are out on the line and Eda is asleep.
Grace has gone into work to take a year 10 class she couldn’t see on Tuesday and then supervise another performance of Alice in Wonderland tonight.

So I’m in charge tonight but I’m hoping she has a good sleep this afternoon and despite the return of the sun I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere else today. I shall be busy as soon as she wakes. Life is never dull here.

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