Boring bus blip...

but it saves me doing it very late tonight, as I haven't felt great today. So much so that I went to the drop in surgery before work. Talked a lot, but the Dr (a locum) says it's probably all menopause linked. He asked me if i think im depressed. I thought that was his job to do the diagnosing. I said no, im just not very happy. I ache and am so tired still, which just makes me frustrated and emotional. I think I've felt like this for 3 years now, with another - how many, 10? years of it. God I hope not. So I'm rethinking how I can afford to spend less time at work, to give myself a rest, but that can only start after present debts are paid up, by which time we'll have a car loan I should think, so what a really vicious circle life is. The Dr is getting blood tests done to rule out anything else, so luckily they fitted me in for that before I left.

Then a day at work.

I'm on my way home now via ballet and tap. Should be home by 9. Then bed.

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