Blipping ‘eck.....

Where did those 5 blipping years go?

I should have really celebrated the end of December with Weemo but because, after the first year, there have been gaps here and there (look how they all add up) today is the day I celebrate.

In all honesty I wish it had been yesterday as I think that day would have been a great celebratory day when I visited SarumStrollers exhibition in Salisbury but I didn’t realise I had a blip day coming up until a couple of days ago (darn those missed days!!! ;-D))) Anyhoo, Kingston did me proud and put up some lights to celebrate with you :-D))

Can I just say a big thank you for all of you who pop by and sprinkle stars and comments, I’m a c**p blipper in every sense of the word and really do appreciate it when you make the effort to visit my little journal. It’s an amazing site where you become virtual (or real for some of you) friends and a strange feeling when those ‘friends’ take a blip break and you miss their ‘chat’.

As always, I plan in my head what I’m going to write and by the time I get to it, I have usually forgotten. So I may pop back for an edit if I remember ;-D)))

Keeeeeep bliiiipppping ;-D)))

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