Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Sunny, windy and chilly today - impossibly to put the hide out as it would have blown away immediately, probably with me in it.  So, I ended up crouched on the back steps to our deck, trying to stay out of the wind and not look dangerous to the avian visitors.  Last year I bought a crab apple sapling and planted it in a big pot on the patio, with low expectations.  However, it is just about ready to burst into bloom which it a lovely perch for the birds.  I promptly hung a small feeder on one of its branches and waited...and along came this American Goldfinch,.  Lucky me.  She's just about fully molted into her summer plumage, making her a lovely soft yellow.  I'll try to get one of the males soon as they are now a bright lemony yellow with jaunty black caps.

Hubs got home a little after 1 this morning, so we both slept a bit late this morning.  Then he was off to the Man Cave to prep the race car for paint; while I headed to the gym (day 5 of 5 for the week, all cardio today).  

SIL is working tonight so Hubs and I will enjoy a quiet dinner and a little TV with the cats.  

Cheers, and have a great weekend.


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