St Aubyn's Mansions

It's a very quick blip tonight as I haven't stopped and it's now 11pm and I have to be up at 5am to go to the airport.  I'm all packed and very excited to be finally meeting Diane after years of being blip buddies, and I'm also looking forward to seeing Ingeborg again, as it's been 6 years since we first met in Belgium!

The weather was awful this morning, it was absolutely throwing it down, yet by lunch time we had clear blue skies!  My appointment at the doctors was fine, and the blood test is only for cholesterol so it'll be interesting to get the results of that, as it's been years since it's been checked.

I received a message this morning to say that I've won last  months' camera club competition with one of my duckling images, so that's another £50 prize - when I finally get it, it took 3 months last time!  But still, it's better than nothing.

I've been suffering with my back for the last few days, I think I lifted a planter up wrong and now it's painful when I bend or twist, so I asked Anja one of our physios if she could look at it for me - big mistake, the treatment was so painful and my back is now full of bruises!  As they say, no pain no gain, so fingers crossed it helps!

At lunch time, I went for a very blustery stroll along the seafront and stopped to blip St Aubyn's Mansions.  I'm not sure how far back it dates, but now it's converted into apartments - I love the yellow and white against the blue sky.

 Anyway, I shall say goodnight, I need to pack my camera and laptop into my hand luggage and get to sleep.  I'll see you in Bonnie Scotland!

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