
I was weary this morning and struggled to get out of bed.  BB was also weary and really struggled to get out of bed, so there was much nagging to get him moving and out to school.  I eventually got myself together and headed out for a  run.   A lovely morning, though still a chill in the air.  At least I didn’t need to wear multiple layers and gloves today.  I then had a quick walk into town to pick up some provisions for lunch.

BB was starving when he got home, but brought home flapjacks that he had made in home economics – an added bonus.  Later he went out with friends and I finished my book, before heading out for a wee walk to stretch my running legs.

After tea, I dropped BB at scouts, then went to the supermarket for a  couple of things I forgot earlier!

This derelict  “wasteland” is about to be transformed into some kind of shopping experience, with some very uninspiring retail outlets. How many chain coffee shops do we need?  The trees in the extra will possibly also disappear in the near future due to an ever-expanding housing development.

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