A bright spot

This lovely bouquet was a gift to Lex from Susan to thank her for having Mosa to stay again for a few days.  Because I needed to return something to Penney's, and May needed to finish the process of getting new glasses there, Lex and I drove up there and took May with us to Penney's.  Let's just say that the best part of the trip was that Lex and I got to spend some time together in the car.  Even with two of us there, dealing with May is so difficult.  And she makes such impulsive decisions without discussing them with us, such as getting new glasses when she doesn't really need them and doesn't have the money to pay for them.  Medicaid may cover the cost, but it's unlikely - a second pair of glasses is hardly a necessity.  We've repeatedly asked May to talk with one of us if there's something out of the ordinary she feels she needs, but it falls on deaf ears.  We were pretty drained by the time we got home.

Back to the library tomorrow, and Thanh should be back from his business trip.  I do so enjoy our tutoring sessions - something pleasant to look forward to.

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